Focus on the Family was giving away a limited number of these books and I was fortunate enough to receive one. It is an incredible story of how God led Kelly & John Rosati to adopt 4 children out of foster care.
"As you follow Kelly and John on their amazing journey through the child welfare system, you'll be inspired by the story of how God brought their family together. And you'll be challenged by the desperate needs of children still waiting for families."
This was an easy to read book that invited you into the hearts and minds of the Rosati family. It's a story of inspiration and also a challenge to those who God has given a heart for adoption. I appreciated their transparency in dealing with the challenges and frustrations they encountered. And also their ability to look back and give God the credit for the journey their lives have taken. My only disappointment was the lack of specific day to day ways God helped them through those tough times.
Overall a good, easy read that I recommend for everyone. Even if God has not called you to adopt, this book will help you better understand how to support and encourage the adoptive families around you.